Jun 27, 2012

(XCode) How to have lower simulator in Xcode 4.3 of Lion

The Xcode 4.3 does not have a simulator other than 5.1 and 4.3, but sometimes we need to test apps on the lower environment. So here is the trick: You need to have lower Xcode installation files, and copy the simulator folders to Xcode 4.3.

For exemple:
sudo mv /XCode file/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator4.1.sdk/ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/

Jan 4, 2012

(Linux) Couldn't start Apache in Lampp

After upgrading Lampp to the latest version, apache could not be started, the error message is:

/opt/lampp/bin/php: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/lampp/lib/libsybdb.so.5: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL …
XAMPP: Error 1! Couldn't start Apache!
XAMPP: Starting diagnose…
XAMPP: Sorry, I've no idea what's going wrong.

It needs to disable selinux by using this command:

setenforce 0